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Powder coatings



Graffiti are present in our society and represent an expensive problem which is continuosly increasing. The local governments and the public transport companies annually spend considerable amounts of money to remove these graffiti from buildings, urban furnitures, trains, metro and buses. The graffiti are usually done with spray paints and markers. Their colours can go deep into the substrate. Even if using the most powerful chemical cleaners, it can be very hard to remove them, the results are not always satisfactory and sometimes the cleaners can also damage the coating film.

ST Antigraffiti powder coatings give the answer to this problem, providing long-lasting solution and allowing repeated surface’s cleaning without coatings’ damage.


The UJ series powder coatings (polyurethanes without emissions) and the WJ series (polyurethanes with caprolactam emissions), are characterized by a good atmospherical resistance and a good thermal stability.

The coatings’ films of these powder series are characterized by a high reticulation density, which allows an easier removal of these graffiti using suitable cleaning products. This antigraffiti property is due to the creation of a barrier against the chemical agents’ aggression. However, the same reticulation density can negativetly affects the coatings’ flexibility, making it brittle when submitted to the static and dynamic deformations.

The UG series (polyurethanes without emissions) and the WG series (polyurethanes with caprolactam emissions) powder coatings are also characterized by a good atmospherical resistance and a good thermal stability. These series have a high reticulation density, even if lower than UJ and WJ series, which allows to optimally balance the mechanical properties and the chemical resistance of the coated objects, including the antigraffiti properties.

  • fixtures;
  • shutters and garage doors;
  • gates;
  • store’s rolling shutter;
  • transport lines;
  • urban furniture.

The graffiti removal

The graffiti removal is done with suitable cleaning agents (so called remover). In the market there are many different appropriant products for this use. It is recommended, however, to always make a small trial with the cleaning remover in a hidden part of the coated good in order to verify both the effectiveness of graffiti remover and its compatibility with powder coating film.
The cleaning process is the one specified by the remover’s manufacturer.

It is necessary to put attention to the removed graffiti’s residual because it can be made of toxic paint and should be treated with due caution.
It is highly recommended to always follow the remover manufacturer’s instructions.

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