During the measurement of layer thickness, we establish the thickness of (non-metallic) materials on the surface of the sample using meters. From the aspect of the measurement method, we distinguish between layer-thickness measurement performed with and without destruction
A., Thickness measurement with destruction (ISO 2815)
We make a cut on the surface of the sample plates until the base metal, with the final destruction of the surface ("coating cut"). We establish the thickness of the coating(s) on the metallic surfaces by examining a the surface of the cut using a purpose-built equipment.
B., Thickness measurement without destruction (ISO 2360)
We establish the thickness of the coating on the surface of the objects to be measured using eddy-current feeler-system gauges. We use gauges for magnetisable and non-magnetizable surfaces alike.
Applied gauge type:
VF - DC B639
VF-DC B639 Layer-thickness gauge
Recommended application:
We recommend the performance of layer thickness as a "base measurement" during lacquer dusting since the appropriate thickness of layers is an essential requirement during the making of a coating reproducing the characteristics of the powder. The checking of the thickness of powder lacquer is an essential requirement before starting all mechanical examinations, further enhancing the importance of this test. A continuous layer-thickness measurement is indispensable for the sake of keeping the economy indices at an optimum level. The excessive application of powder lacquer does not improve the resistance of the coating but unrealistically increases the costs of powder coating. We recommend this measurement to every user of powder lacquer due to the aforementioned reasons.
We perform measurements typically within 1 business day on our site, or within 5 business days on the clients' sites, depending on the availability of the measuring instrument. We summarize the measurement results and deliver them to our clients in measuring logs.